Lucas Simons, an 11-year-old filmmaker, is obsessed with death after the loss of his brother. When Lucas accidentally captures a mysterious presence...
Chasing Ghosts
Family film about a pair of children whose father's girlfriend has kidnapped their dog. Dean Cain stars as Glenn Barrows, a recent widower doing his...
A Belle for Christmas
The Window East is a World War II drama set in small town Nebraska, as two strangers, George and Susan, find each other among the chaos. With a...
The Window East
Kubo mesmerizes the people in his village with his magical gift for spinning wild tales with origami. When he accidentally summons an evil spirit...
Kubo and the Two Strings
When 17-year-old Colton is left at home to babysit his little sister for the summer, he develops a crush on Heather, the beautiful girl who just...
Day 13