A strange signal from Earth draws the TARDIS to the island of Lanzarote, where Turlough rescues a young American girl, Peri, from drowning. Among her...
Doctor Who: Planet of Fire
An ambitious coffee salesman has a series of improbable and ironic adventures seemingly designed to challenge his naive idealism.
O Lucky Man!
The story of Operation Market Garden—a failed attempt by the allies in the latter stages of WWII to end the war quickly by securing three...
A Bridge Too Far
Story of the life of Quentin Crisp, an Englishman who was brave enough to live his life according to his own style even in the hostile days of WW2.
The Naked Civil Servant
Courtroom account of the prosecution of Oscar Wilde for gross indecency with other men followed Wilde's disastrous libel charge against the Marquess...
The Trial of Oscar Wilde