In Texas, the aspirant actress Nicole Carrow runs away home to Los Angeles with her boyfriend Jess Hilts. They drive through a shortcut in an old...
Rest Stop
The adventures of a 1960s Parisian Street gang.
Les Superficiales
The story of Anna Cabrini, a young woman who therapizes her own suicidal tendencies by chronicling the lives of fellow lost souls. Their stories are...
The Anna Cabrini Chronicles
In the sweltering heat of the deep south, Slim Manning, a topless club owner, wants a better life for his teenage daughter, Tracy. There's only one...
Southern Justice
One year after running away from home, Nicole and Jesse are still missing. When Jesse's brother, Tom, returns home from active duty, he sets out with...
Rest Stop: Don't Look Back
A man, who has not left the building he works and lives in for 14 years, meets a receptionist eager to understand more about his mysterious life.
Everything's Gone Green
Reeling from withdrawal effects after a pharmaceutical drug trial, a reclusive aspiring illustrator sets out to form a relationship with an outgoing...
You or a Loved One
Inspired by a true story. Valiant Thor, a Universal Emissary, meets with President Eisenhower in 1957 and is put on VIP status for 3 years. Thor has...
Stranger at the Pentagon
In an enclosed, bleak future, Carter is becoming the domineering manager's golden boy - until he meets a woman who has been smuggling contraband to...
Wide Awake in Nothing