On the eve of the apocalypse in 2047, a wealthy designer baby attempts to reunite with her bitter ex-lover with hopes that they can spend the end of...
In the near future of 2056, Detective Casper Farrell uses an experimental drug called Delirium to experience the last moments of a victim's life in...
After their plane crashes on the way to film the season finale of their dating show, contestants Jess and Matty try to make the most of their final...
Trevor needs to get something off his chest. After a late-night party, he decides to open up to his buddy, Cole. Then the nightmare begins.
Hey Man
When his lead actor is suddenly unable to finish his film, a director has to get creative to get the perfect, final shot.
This Time With Feeling
When his eyeballs ditch his body and end up at his ex-girlfriend's apartment, Paul has to find a way to make it through the desert to get back to his...
Emotions clash with rules and regulation on an interstellar cruise as Del, a "Pleasure Unit" on the ship, begins to develop feelings for his human...
We Need Mirrors
After a few fun dates, things get serious when a young chef visits his new girlfriend's house to cook dinner for her and her friends.
The Fifth Date
In the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, three naive stoners find themselves too bored and sad to simply sit around all night. When they realize...
Joint Venture
Liam, a lonely man, wins a vacation to an island. He hopes the time apart from his daily life will bring him the happiness he desperately needs. ...
Time Apart
"Beginnings are rare and fleeting. All we are left with in life is a long and unavoidable journey to the end. Describe the burdens you carry with you...
When Will It All End
After objects in her apartment come to life, a young woman must fight through the newly animated voices around her to keep her grip on reality.
Only an Imprint