Television special of five episodes directed by Alfredo Di Laura dedicated to the exhibition "Attivo. Performance e Dibattiti" curated by Tommaso...
The Pink Biennal
Experimental short by Renato Ferraro.
Comunicato Speciale
Figli di Maam
A documentary on the entire works of the Italian sculptor Michelangelo Pistoletto who lives in Vienna. His mirror-images make him one of the most...
L'homme noir
Le début des choses
The film challenges the aura of the artwork, pushing it towards performance in urban space. During the exhibition Con-temp-l’azione...
Good Morning, Michelangelo
This film represents an encounter with several major icons of the history of western painting, "while attempting"–as the filmmaker...
Pistoletto & Sotheby's
Apettando Re Lear