From the king of the Japanese cult movie, Teruo Ishii! A controversial film in which actual cases that rocked modern-day Japan—including the...
Japanese Hell
Kizaki, an upstart at a trading company has one more assignment for the day before meeting his lovely girlfriend, Natsuki for a date. Little does he...
Revenge of the Pearl Queen
It is a sport film about cycling.
Keirin Queen
Comedy-horror film by Masaki Môri.
Kuronekokan ni Kieta Otoko
Chie, who's chosen as 'Ms. Woman Diver', and her friend Yuki, have been missing for several days after they left for Tokyo to be interviewed by a...
Woman Diver's Terror
剣聖 暁の三十六番斬り
1957 crime film directed by Toshio Shimura for Shintoho.
Shikeishû no shôri
Japanese film.
Santōshain to onna hisho
Japanese comedy film.
Dry Wives and Ruling Husbands
Japanese sports comedy film about kendo.
The Fencing Collegian
Japanese film about motorcycle racing.
Speed King
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto leads the Combined Fleet of the Imperial Japanese Navy to defeat the American Fleet.
Admiral Yamamoto and the Allied Fleets