In the land of Orlais, a brash young Seeker—Cassandra—fights to stop a blood-soaked conspiracy. Hidden hands seek to tear apart the...
Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker
Joseph's story is told in the context of God's plan for Israel and the promised coming of the Messiah, powerfully demonstrating God's sovereign hand...
Joseph: Beloved Son, Rejected Slave, Exalted Ruler
To Every Nation is the third and final installment of The Witnesses Trilogy. In God With Us we witnessed the coming of Christ. In The Messengers, we...
To Every Nation
A review of Dragon Ball Z from the Saiyan Saga all the way to the Trunks Saga.
The World of Dragon Ball Z
A vampire scientist psychically charges the "longevity serum" he sells across the world, making all who use it into vampires loyal to him.
Project Vampire
Police Officer Billy Rains (Mike Norris) and his partner Darren Steel (David Rael) are finishing their last shift together, after which Rains intends...
The Rage Within