The movie takes place in the early 18th century on the borders between Bosnia and Dalmatia, the crossroad between the Ottoman Empire and the Republic...
The Horseman
In the summer of 1993, a group of Bosnian refugees flee to Sweden due to the war in Bosnia. The Swedish Red Cross places refugees in a pavilion for...
My Mother's Swedish Heart
In 1943, group of Croatian soldiers overtake a strategically important point in western Bosnia with a goal to destroy a group of communist partisans....
The Living and the Dead
Wistful croquis of the neigborhood in western Zagreb at the beggining of the '90's.
Red Dust
Alek (Gordan Kicic) is desperate because Teodora (Milica Mihajlovic) has left him after a three years being together. He is suffering, he is...
Wait for Me and I Will Not Come
A panoramic view over society across ten unfortunate characters whose stories sometimes intertwine.
December 2023. To spread holiday cheer, a theatre company is touring small towns of post-war Bosnia with a play about Santa Claus. While children are...
When Santa Was a Communist
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1991. After the fall of the communists, Divko Buntić, who has lived in exile in Germany for the past twenty years,...
Cirkus Columbia
Stigme deals with the universal subject of ideological stigmatization. The film is set in western Herzegovina, in the turbulent period after the...