Naomi (Makoto Nishiyama), who returned to a small town because her adoptive father was about to die, met her brother-in-law, Hiroyuki (Hideyuki...
Natsu no musumetachi: Himegoto
Once, Rui has aimed at a singer. However, now, she was frustrated and was doing the hostess's work in the country. When Rui goes home together with a...
Idol Is Dead
They thought they were coming to study a mysterious town hidden in the mountains of Japan. Instead, they’ve discovered that their Professor...
Corpse Prison: Part 2
Chizuru is a rookie hostess in Miss CLUB "Red Dragon". In the store, they have a legend that earned 10 million yen sales overnight sales. Led by...
The Game of Jou-Ou
Half-zombie Juli, born between zombies and humans, worked as a bartender while helping the bar owner Mr. Honda with his underground business. One...
Half-Zombie: Dead or Alive
From the moment she and her fellow students arrive in the mountain village of Yasaka, Mikoto knows that there is something very wrong with this tiny...
Corpse Prison: Part 1