This sequel to "Happiness is a Four-Letter Word" finds Zaza, Princess and Zim living new chapters of their lives amid loss, family grudges and new...
Happiness Ever After
Nothing for Mahala is a comedic film that follows Ace (Thapelo Mokoena) into his deep and unpleasant hole of debt and financial woes. Ace who likes...
Nothing for Mahala
A church-going woman in a small South African town becomes obsessed with her hairdresser neighbor - a rumored murderer.
uNomalanga and the Witch
Perfectionist Nandi seems to have the New South African Dream life within her grasp, black female partner in a major firm, marriage, the perfect...
Happiness Is a Four-Letter Word
The film, set in Lagos, Cape Town and Zanzibar, tells the story of Lola, who recently separated from her husband in Lagos, seeks solace in Zanzibar,...
A Hotel Called Memory