The events revolve around a group of people inside a supermarket who went to buy their necessities, and suddenly a catastrophic event occurred in the...
سوبر ماركت
Last man on the world
Qahfiah wa Qutrah wa Aqal
Qahfiya, Ghutra, and Aqal
In a very large prison , 7 of the most important and largest personalities in society. They have an important social character and influence in the...
The Great Seven
Al Yakhour
مولود بحبة فياجرا
عطالي بطالي
The play revolves around a comedy about a man and a woman who are preparing to hold their wedding ceremony in one of the banquet halls, but they are...
laylat zafta
ليلة زفتة
مر يا حلو
شارع الحب مسرحية
Dracula's Throne
A spiritual sheikh
Talbin alqurb
The last day of my life
World War 6