"Notorious" is the story of Christopher Wallace. Through raw talent and sheer determination, Wallace transforms himself from Brooklyn street hustler...
Tells the story of an African immigrant surviving on the fringes of New York City where music is his passion, life is a hustle and falling in love is...
Restless City
A Nigerian couple living in Brooklyn are having trouble conceiving a child - a problem that defies cultural expectations and leads to a shocking...
Mother of George
When a lethargic businessman's co-worker hopes to boost company morale after returning from a trip to Europe, things go awry in the corporate world.
One Day You'll Be Here
A tale of an inner city drug dealer who turns away from crime to pursue his passion, rap music.
Get Rich or Die Tryin'
A man has a medical procedure done to experience love for the first time.
Hollywood, 1927: As silent movie star George Valentin wonders if the arrival of talking pictures will cause him to fade into oblivion, he sparks with...
The Artist
Three childhood friends relaunch a mineral water factory in Guinea.
The Moon Fell