A young couple is compelled to leave their Christian missionary station in the Kalahari Desert after being threatened with death by an extremist...
While James More is held captive by terrorists in Somalia, thousands of miles away on the Greenland Sea, his lover Danny Flinders prepares to dive...
Robert Wainwright dies after breaking his deal with the Devil, passing that debt onto his estranged daughter Morgan. She soon finds herself in a...
The Campus
Struggling to make ends meet, former special ops soldiers reunite for a high-stakes heist: stealing $75 million from a South American drug lord.
Triple Frontier
When Yusef discovers his beloved wife Ayana is a Sleeper, a living android bomb left over from a past war, he has only one choice: flee with her to...
A beautiful Webgirl travels to a small New England town away from her husband who is exploiting her for sex and a million dollar payday.