Wu Zikai (Lin Wei), who had previously embraced life, changes completely in the face of his unfair fate. His persona gradually disappeared as he...
Nightmare of Darkness
In the early years of the Republic of China, Xiao Jian was arrested on patrol, a boy who dreamed of becoming the number one detective in Shanghai....
Broken Army X: Fatal Mutations
The Devildom Elephant Man
Flower Demon Love
On the surface, Gu Hai runs a high-end car dealership, privately carrying a smuggled car, selling defective parts and components, and controlling the...
The King of the Drift 2
The film is based on seven true stories from the front line of poverty alleviation. These seven stories reflect the different strategies of poverty...
My Second Hometown
An Feng and psychologist intern Fang Xiao Yu, who meet and fall in love in Chengdu. The two lonely souls heal and accompany each other.
Cheng Du Stroll
Broken Army X File Invisible Man
Weird Forest
Qin Hao’s car accident caused him to have an instinct for speed while concealing fear. Qin Hao made a living on a daily basis and on one day...
The King of the Drift