Created by the members of a Nairobi-based arts collective — who have removed their names from the film for fear of reprisal — this...
Stories of Our Lives
Simon, an adopted boy of a Danish couple visiting Kenya with his mother, goes missing in Kibera slum. When his mother offers a reward on TV, the...
Lost in Africa
Bereft of earthly memories, a new arrival in the afterlife struggles to recover the past, in this poetic fantasy that offers a dark reflection on...
Kati Kati
Our journey starts in Nairobi, one of the most vibrant metropolises of Africa. Your mission is to discover five creative spaces through the eyes of...
African Space Makers
Mwas, a young aspiring actor from upcountry Kenya dreams of becoming an accomplished actor one day, and in pursuit of this, he makes his way to...
Nairobi Half Life