The film follows Kamala, a young woman from Chitkul village and her girl child Manya, who embarks on a journey leaving their native land in search...
Liar's Dice
Charu and her friends share a rented apartment in a sky-rise in Mumbai. All in their mid-twenties, and each hailing from different parts of the...
A struggling local journalist begins a dogged investigation into harrowing cases of abuse being covered up at a shelter for young girls.
A family, in the middle of a rising insurgency in Kashmir, and a terrible secret linking the two.
After the death of his father and brother Danish, Faizal Khan vows to take revenge by destroying Ramadhir Singh's gang.
Gangs of Wasseypur - Part 2
A terrorist attempts to plant a plush toy Ganesh containing a bomb in a temple, but it is stolen by a stubborn child and a race against time begins...
Vakratunda Mahakaaya
"Ek crore meh laitha hai RISK!". Risk! is a movie about a police inspector named Suryakanth who vows to clean up the Mumbai underworld. The police...
An anthology of eleven short films from eleven directors featuring stories of life in Mumbai.
Mumbai Cutting