The movie is based on a Fatmir Gjata screenplay. Gjata had written a novel with the same title earlier. The events evolve in the 1950s. The main...
A biography of George Kastriot Skanderbeg widely known as Skanderbeg, a 15th-century Albanian lord who defended his land against the Ottoman Empire...
The Great Warrior Skanderbeg
Events take place in an isolated mountaineous village where a rabid dog bites the son of Fatime. The woman has to decide where to take her son, to...
Her Children
World War II. Albania is under the Nazi occupation. The Germans capture two young girls and torture them to learn more about the communist movement.
Victory Over Death
Story depicting the national liberation struggle of the Albanian people against the Italian and German invaders during World War II.
An old man refuses to undergo an operation in the hospital because he does not trust the abilities of the female surgeon.
Old Wounds
A successful doctor comes into conflict with his friends and family and is slowly driven towards suicide.
The Track