This movie tells the story of a father, a mother and their young boy who, to get out of misery, leave the village where they live to try their luck...
Mon enfance à Montréal
Pioneers struggle to establish a town in the harsh unsettled wilderness of northern Quebec during the depression.
Les Brûlés
A restless woman seems unable to leave her husband or her lover.
Child Under A Leaf
The melodramatic story of a widow, Marie Paradis, as she becomes an elderly dependant. Taking charge is her daughter-in-law, the cruel and stingy...
Mom's heart
A tiny Quebec community is thrown into an uproar when a tall young Texan named Bill arrives to claim a farm he has inherited. Bill's inability to...
Le gros Bill
A beautiful country girl and a seductive nightclub singer vie for the same good-looking man.
Les lumières de ma ville
One night from which arise enigmatic corpses, police who understand nothing, improbable witnesses. Mysteries and inconsistencies are added to each...
Une Nuit en Amérique
An example of 1970's Maple Syrup cinema from Quebec, this whimsical and sexy tale revolves around two trickster roommates and the women in their...
Master Cats
A priest and nun, haunted by physical longings, leave their respective callings. Even after their desires are fulfilled they experience crisis of...
Virgin Lovers
A little girl wittness the death of her mother- expressly killed through negligence by the woman supposedly nursing the invalid mother back to...
Little Aurore's Tragedy
La Corde au cou