In this sixth installment, director Kudo enlists the help of powerful psychic Dogen , physicist Masahiko Saito, and idol Akari, to make a big movie...
Senritsu Kaiki File Kowasugi! The Most Terrifying Movie in History
Eighteen months have gone by and Kudo and Ichikawa are still lost in a parallel universe. When they vanished, a giant appeared in the sky above...
Senritsu Kaiki File Kowasugi! Final Chapter
Korean international student A-Joong (Kim Kkobbi) takes part in a camp at a country village, located in the suburbs of Los Angeles. A-Joong isn't...
It's a Beautiful Day
A savage murderer is on the prowl in Japan. One by one, his victims fall but what is he searching for? The same thing a murderess is looking for. We...