The film consists of five films about Yamato in the post-COVID period. Tominaga's "The Fourth Eye" depicts a bewildered father who is introduced to...
Made in Yamato
Whimsical film in which students and teachers come together during a weekend for a wedding. The film flutters back and forth between the various...
Chigasaki Story
The story of a young married couple who were exposed to radiation during the meltdown at Japan's Fukushima nuclear reactor.
Theatre 1 (Observational Film Series #3) is a feature length documentary, which closely depicts the world of Oriza Hirata, Japan's leading playwright...
Theatre 1
There are Tomoki, Shun, Kazuya, and Aita in Oiso, the seaside town. One day, Tomoki finds their teacher, Ito, who is their teacher and Kajya’s...
The Murders of Oiso