A young woman returns to her hometown following the death of her grandfather and begins an affair with a married teacher in the debut feature from...
Hanan, a poor Yeshiva student, deeply involved in Kabbalah, learned that his beloved Lea, daughter of the wealthy man of the shtetl, will be given to...
The Dybbuk
Alma, a young director, seeks an actor and actress for a violent key scene which she has written.
Krav Enayim
Daria, the mute daughter of Chaim Wortman, the dictator who rules the town "ShadowHill", is no longer willing to be silent. She joins Orna, an...
Rachel is a homicide investigator and a single mother to 16-year-old Sofia. Sofia is a raging teenager who will not rest until she gets an answer...
Blood Related
An intelligent social issues drama, Manpower sketches a portrait of four men in crisis. Moving between scathing realism and subtle irony, the film...
Maya is a happily married mother of two. She is a successful choreographer and everything seems to be perfect...but this life is a lie. Unbeknownst...
A.K.A Nadia
A beautiful seamstress moves to a neighborhood of Holocaust survivors in 1956. Rumors about her past (as a Capo) shake up the neighborhood, and...
Gony's father lost his reputation, his pride and his desire to live after serving a short prison sentence twenty years ago. A little later he lost...
There Were Nights
Ellie's got a baby in her belly. Joyful and excited, she goes to the mall to have a routine check-up, in which she discovers there is no heartbeat....
If You Only Knew