The bizarre history of Filipino B-films, as told through filmmaker Andrew Leavold's personal quest to find the truth behind its midget James Bond...
The Search for Weng Weng
This film is a record of the first Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival. It reflects the various ways the festival was given shape by...
A Movie Capital
Nicolas Deocampo--a prominent Filipino filmmaker, academic, historian and activist--goes down memory lane in this intimate vignette and paints...
Dating Nick
A comprehensive history of early cinema in the Philippines. Told in narration over 3D animation.
Gunita: Mga Alaala sa Pinilakang Tabing
A candid story about a Filipino transvestite who works in Japan’s entertainment center in order to support his family. In the daytime, Joan...
The Sex Warriors and the Samurai
Based on Nick Deocampo's award-winning book, Cine: Spanish Influences on Early Cinema in the Philippines, this digital documentary traces the...
Cine/Sine: Spanish Beginnings of Philippine Cinema
Film: American Beginnings of Philippine Cinema is the second episode in Deocampo's evolving saga of the country's history of Philippine cinema. Based...
Film: American Beginnings of Philippine Cinema