Four erotic tales from in various historical eras. The first, 'The Tide', is set in the present day, and concerns a student and his young female...
Immoral Tales
Five swindle stories, taking place in five international cities: Tokyo, Japan ("Fumiko's Five Benefactors" by Hiromichi Horikawa); Amsterdam, The...
The World's Most Beautiful Swindlers
A playboy who refuses to give up his hedonistic lifestyle to settle down and marry his true love seeks help from a demented psychoanalyst who is...
What's New Pussycat?
A young man from the far future, bored by his surroundings, blasts off into space with only his cat and some robots for company. On a distant planet...
The Heat of a Thousand Suns
A police officer attempts to shut down an illegal girls-for-drugs operation (American version).
Massacre of Pleasure
In 1944, in Paris, the leader of a resistance network is looking for the traitor who gave away a radio operator.
Strange Game