Set in 1904, this is an uneven tale of war and intrigue between native South Africans, German colonialists, and British colonialists, a war no one...
Riley joins her boyfriend on a visit to his family in South Africa, but their romance is tested when she discovers he's the wealthy prince of the...
A Royal Surprise
Set in Johannesburg, JUMP THE GUN follows the tangled lives of six very different working class characters, formerly kept apart by apartheid and now...
Jump the Gun
Combining a new age black maid, blood-drinking zombie racists and a plot to poison the town with blood cakes, what ensues is a dark comedy that pits...
Pure Blood
A Russian KGB agent is sent to Africa to kill an anti-Communist black revolutionary. However, he has a change of heart when he sees how the Russians...
Red Scorpion
Based on a true story: South Africa, mid 70s. When her husband becomes too ill to work, Poppie is deemed by the law to be an illegal resident in her...
Poppie Nongena