In the impoverished Balkan principality of Pontevedrino, a love drama unfolds. The class divide prevents Count Danilo from marrying the peasant girl...
The Merry Widow
A courtly drama of a bridegroom arrested for being intimate with the queen. To secure his release, his future bride sleeps with his rival. The film...
La Tosca
Jim, a robber, is in love with the chief’s bride Clara, who firmly rejects his many advances. In revenge, he snitches on the entire gang of...
The Robber's Sweetheart
It is love at first sight when Armand Duval meets the courtisan Marguerite. They move in together and live happily until Armands father secretly pays...
The Lady with the Camelias
Danish adaptation of Trilby. Presumed lost, though a single still apparently depicting the novel's climax survives.
Viggo Larsen’s adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's famous fairy tale about the soldier who gets hold of a magic tinderbox capable of...
The Tinderbox
Dr. Henry Jekyll experiments with scientific means of revealing the hidden, dark side of man and releases a murderer from within himself. This film...
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde