A German exchange student begins an impulsive and ultimately destructive relationship with a shy British boy in her final weeks before returning to...
Filmed as part of the Salisbury Arts Centre Shootout 2011 48 Hour film challenge. Each group was given a well known story to adapt with just 48 hours...
On Valentine's Day, a hopless romantic and a cynic realise love is right in front of them.
British horror anthology with 9 different tales.
Blaze of Gory
Adrian, an insecure fashion photographer decides he has had enough rejection, ridicule and being ignored by models. He decides to get his revenge by...
Six Hot Chicks in a Warehouse
A group of super fans break into the house of a faded 90s pop star.
Fan Girl
It’s 40 years since the murder of John Lennon, a moment trapped in Mickey Sharpe’s mind as he imagines that fateful night. After...
The Moment Trap: The Lennon Dream