The story of a young woman named Jane 57821, who is living in a totalitarian near-future society where citizens are referred to as 'computers.'...
Dirty Computer
After discovering a once-in-a-lifetime player with a rocky past abroad, a down on his luck basketball scout takes it upon himself to bring the phenom...
In October of 1894, three student filmmakers disappeared in the woods near Transylvania, Romania while shooting a documentary. A year later their...
The Frankenstein Monster Project
The story is set at the 1972 Munich Olympics where the U.S. team lost the basketball championship for the first time in 36 years. The final moments...
Three Seconds
After the mysterious disappearance of their mother, estranged brothers reunite and discover an unknown supernatural force.
Awaken the Shadowman
Paul Stevens, a young Marine Corps Veteran, lives in California with his sister. He battles with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and alienates his...
Say Again Your Last
The Cold War's wildest dreams of climate control have made a spectacular comeback: from the USA to China, 'geo-engineers' promise to make climate...
Clockwork Climate