Released five years after the first installment, Tiger Claws II finds Yeung's martial arts serial killer, Chong, busted out of jail by a team of...
Tiger Claws II
In their second film compilation following their 'Boogeymen:The Killer Compilation' series, FlixMix takes you into the history of action movies from...
Ultimate Fights from the Movies
After thief Alex Cardo gets caught while stealing an ancient katana in East Asia, he soon finds himself imprisoned and beaten up by the crowd there....
Bloodsport II
Jake, a New York policeman poses as an actor to expose the making of martial-arts death movies in Thailand.
The King of the Kickboxers
A maverick American cop and his Chinese counterpart join forces to bring a drug dealer and his hired thugs to justice.
Last to Surrender
This film is a glimpse into the life, love and the unconquerable spirit of the legendary Bruce Lee. From a childhood of rigorous martial arts...
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story
Ghang-gheng, the ancient winner-take-all competition in which the deadliest fighters from around the world employ the most spectacular feats of...
The Quest