Ángel and his brother Franco have been locked up in a juvenile detention centre for a year. Despite the hostility of the place, they form...
My Brothers Dream Awake
A Chilean talent show in the mold of "American Idol," "Rojo" became a huge hit the moment it hit the airwaves. This comic series puts a fictional...
Rojo: La película
Mandrill is a high-level assassin whose parents many years ago were slaughtered in cold blood by a ruthless drug lord. Now he finds himself finally...
Bombo Fica faces two realities: one of success and fame and the other of failures and misadventures.
Como Bombo en fiesta
The imminent death of a matriarch forces her whole family to reunite. From her dying confession, other hidden episodes will come to light. Each of...
Broken Panties
A former hit-man for a drug cartel becomes a vigilante to pay for his sins and find redemption.
A lonely beautician suffering from the onset of menopause is encouraged by her young client to pursue a love interest. The two women, youthful and...
On My Own
Could a brilliant composer's music actually be killing his loved ones? Eliseo can't help but believe it when his younger sister dies tragically and...
"La peor talla", a Chilean play on words meaning both "the worst size" and "the worst joke"... Upper middle class teens give the big guy with small...
XS - la peor talla
After a long absence, Negro Torres returns to his hometown, in Cunco, to attend his mother's funeral. There, his old cronies propose him to set up a...
A Sure Deal
Daniela, raised in the bosom of a strict Evangelical family and recently unmasked as a fornicator by her shocked parents, struggles to find her own...
Young and Wild
Set free by strange female force , a madman manages to escape from a psychiatric hospital. The force guides him up to an old cemetery where he...
A young boy returns to his birth country, Chile, after a long absence. The house in the country where he lived with his family is up for sale and...
The Magnetic Tree
Lota, 1897. In the depths of the largest coal mine in the world, a great rebellion is brewing inside a man's heart.
Sub terra
A man takes his insecure, overweight paramour to a seaside resort to consummate their relationship, but there he stumbles onto an artistic discovery...
Cecilia Ureta, host of Chile's highest-rated news show, announces the results of a United Nations survey, the conclusion of which states that 62% of...
Unfaithful Women
Street tough Zamir has been in love with Kim ever since he rescued her from rapists, but the only way that he can express his affection is to attack...
When a young soccer fan and his idol forge an unexpected friendship, the connection teaches them both lessons about life and their love of the game.
Mi amigo Alexis
The 1948 speech called "Yo Acuso" resulted in Pablo Neruda going under hiding for 13 months and the police searching intensively for him.
Neruda: The Fugitive
Elisa, a lonely and shy librarian, moves to live in a downtown building, without knowing the killing of a young student took place there some time...
The Night Visitor