A woman’s body disappears mysteriously from the morgue without a trace. Police inspector Jaime Peña investigates the strange occurrence...
The Body
The story of two young friends, a lawyer, a rich man and a group of kidnappers end up in a series of strange circumstances all to discover; Who...
Who Killed Bambi?
The end of the world is imminent. A man goes into a parallel dimension, a limbo between reality and fantasy where the normal rules of time and space...
Maximum Shame
Esto No Es Noruega
A pair of newlyweds must fight to survive when their wedding reception descends into chaos and carnage when their guests become infected by a virus...
[REC]³ Genesis
A couple of friends on their way to a rock festival pick up two hitchhiking girls going to the same event, but their trip is ruined due to an...
Time to Kill
A casa