Wendy Darling, a young girl afraid to leave her childhood home behind, meets Peter Pan, a boy who refuses to grow up. Alongside her brothers and a...
Peter Pan & Wendy
Sam is a young stand-up comedian and au pair struggling with PTSD, who is weighing whether or not to join the search for Brooke, a missing girl she...
I Used to Be Funny
A boy is given the ability to become an adult superhero in times of need with a single magic word.
After a near-death experience lights a flame within both Grandma and Grandpa, they decide to grab life by the boas and tell the world their deepest...
Stories from my Gay Grandparents
The true story of how the Boston Globe uncovered the massive scandal of child molestation and cover-up within the local Catholic Archdiocese, shaking...
Based on a stage play of the same name by Amy Nostbakken and Norah Sadava, the story follows Cassandra, who is portrayed by the two women, expressing...
Erin joins her dad Doug for a Christmas in the family’s former hometown of Aurora on a mission that is part business – selling the family...
Christmas Under the Northern Lights