Once upon a time a carnivorous advertising methodist (Richard Bohringer) finds himself stuck between floors in an old elevator. The owner of the...
Wild Games
Filmed in Modena, Italy across two nights in November 1993 as part of Peter Gabriel's acclaimed Secret World Live tour in support of the Us album,...
Peter Gabriel: Secret World Live
A young man with dreams of pursuing a career in music moves form his small village to the capital. Along the way he falls head over heels for a...
Life Is Rosy
Set to the soundtrack of Papa Wemba's extraordinary music, this outrageous, funny and eye-opening film depicts the underground world of a flamboyant...
The Importance of Being Elegant
How African artists have spread African culture all over the world, especially music, since the harsh years of decolonization, trying to offer a...
Africa Rising
In the fifties, when the future Democratic Republic of Congo was still a Belgian colony, an entire generation of musicians fused traditional African...
The Rumba Kings
Les Habits neufs du gouverneur