Chronicling the search for truth and peace in post-genocide Rwanda. Director Deborah Scranton explores issues of peace, retribution, accountability...
Earth Made of Glass
The story of Canadian Lt. Gen. Roméo Dallaire and his controversial command of the United Nations mission to Rwanda during the 1994 genocide....
Shake Hands with the Devil: The Journey of Roméo Dallaire
An investigation into how the Clintons have amassed millions in personal wealth through foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation, a supposed...
Clinton Cash
For the first time, light is shed on the Inkotanyi politico-military movement that ended the genocide of the Rwandan Tutsi in 1994 and is led by Paul...
Follow Peter Greenberg as he ventures to the country known as “land of a thousand hills.” For an entire week, Peter is taken on a tour...
Rwanda: The Royal Tour