A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed presents interviews from researchers and eyewitnesses. The film covers historical accounts of Bigfoot, the...
A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed
Ronnie Roseman, Andreas Wallach, and Peter Byrne document the history and notoriety of the Florida Bigfoot also known as the ‘Skunk Ape.’...
Shaawanoki: The Mystery of the Swamp Apes
The four grand old men of “Bigfoot Hunting” and their often humorous yet determined forty-year quest to find the Big Hairy legend of...
Sasquatch Odyssey: The Hunt for Bigfoot
One of the many notorious 70's "unknown" documentaries, The Mysterious Monsters covers topics such as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. Pictures,...
The Mysterious Monsters
Speculative "documentary" about alien visitations on Earth, UFO sightings and how aliens are responsible for pretty much every conspiracy theory,...
The Force Beyond
A documentary that explores the existence of Bigfoot, the Yeti and other legendary humanoid-type creatures.
Manbeast! Myth or Monster?