Based on a true story, 'Under Jakob's Ladder' is a full-length feature film that takes place in the Soviet Union during 1938. Jakob, a former teacher...
Under Jakob's Ladder
Taking a wrong turn, travelers find themselves trapped in a mysterious house. One horror after another threatens them as the sorcerer who lives...
An ordinary family goes on a trip by car, but their car breaks down. The dutiful father of the family immediately sets off to get help and seems to...
Skinned Deep
A small group of scientists and soldiers take refuge in an underground missile silo where they struggle to control the flesh-eating dead that walks...
Day of the Dead
A group of hobos begin melting into multicolored piles of goo after drinking sixty-year-old liquor. At the same time, the psychotic Vietnam War vet...
Street Trash
A classical musical conductor unravels into the abyss of insanity.
Saint Bernard
An alien ship crashes to Earth. A group of campers are caught in the midst of this crash. There are a number of alien bugs here who proceed to infect...
Killer Dead
The heroic story of a dictator who risks his life to ensure that democracy would never come to the country he so lovingly oppressed.
The Dictator
A woman turns to prescription medication as a way of handling her anxiety concerning her husband's upcoming release from prison.
Side Effects
After 16 years in prison, Igor and his gang are out and bent on taking revenge on the town that sent them up.
Igor and the Lunatics