An anti-war exploration of the filmmaker's experience with recurring nightmares about a potential nuclear apocalypse, through the lens of the...
Unto Midnight
Descending into a cave, two men seek answers to a book of unknown horrors. What will they find and will their sanity prevail?
The Statement
After surviving an attempted assassination, Talia Blake infiltrates her ex-handler's high-security office, battling relentless guards and lethal...
Edward Blackwell is the head of a powerful crime syndicate. He believes his wife is being unfaithful, and when his suspicions are proved right, he...
The Hit
Eight guests, all strangers to one another, are invited to a secluded location by their gracious, yet enigmatic host. Isolated from the rest of...
The Hanged
When a world-renowned computer hacker mysteriously disappears, Holmes and Watson find themselves in a tense race against time to recover not only the...
Sherlock Holmes: The Dancing Men