The incredible story of how the mummified corpse of a 40-year-old man was discovered by a hunter in one of the most remote parts of the country. The...
The Sound of Insects: Record of a Mummy
A man and a woman awake in the middle of the night. The woman is upset by her dreams and what she perceives as the untouchable nature of her mind,...
Filmmaker Peter Mettler embarks on a mission that takes him around the world. He is determined to record the diverse modes of transcendence that...
Gambling, Gods and LSD
Christian Frei's documentary traces the tragic tale of the giant Buddhas of Afghanistan's Bamiyan Valley, which stood as monumental landmarks for...
The Giant Buddhas
A film about longstanding relationships, family, and the deep consequences of falling in love. While exploring themes of love in music, poetry and...
Fell in Love with a Girl