On vacation in Stockholm, a teenage daughter is left wandering the city alone when her mother suffers from a sudden mental breakdown. Coming of age...
Psychosis in Stockholm
In a post-apocalyptic adventure in the Swedish archipelago, a science team struggles to find a way to protect the few surviving humans from a lethal...
A study of conflict due to misunderstandings.
The plot is unknown at this time.
A young couple, suffering from the worst imaginable form of "fear of missing out", decides to take on a tough challenge.
Fomo Sapiens
A Swedish independent comedy about power. The 25-year-old idealist ANTON is First AD (First Assistant Director) on a feature film shooting....
The First AD
World War II is around the corner, but the only thing Sally Bauer can think of is the ocean. Her dream is to swim across the English Channel.
The Swedish Torpedo