Zhao-ping, a young Chinese artist, lives in an artists’ community near Bejing with his Japanese girlfriend Hana. One day he sees a black square...
The Black Square
The story of sharpshooter Zhang Taofang, a young army recruit who at age 22 sets a record during the Korean War by reportedly killing or wounding 214...
In legendary Chen Village, everyone is a martial arts master, using their powerful Chen Style Tai Chi in all aspects of their lives. Lu Chan has...
Tai Chi Zero
Huo An, the commander of the Protection Squad of the Western Regions, was framed by evil forces and becomes enslaved. On the other hand, a Roman...
Dragon Blade
A mysterious warrior teams up with the daughter and son of a deposed Chinese Emperor to defeat their cruel brother, who seeks their deaths.
Liu Yonggan, a delivery guy known as the "Shapingba Bolt", gathered thirty brothers to form a loser football team called "Dock Workers". They...
A playboy business tycoon, Liu Xuan, purchases the Green Gulf, a wildlife reserve, for a sea reclamation project, and uses sonar technology to get...
The Mermaid
China's deadliest special forces operative settles into a quiet life on the sea. When sadistic mercenaries begin targeting nearby civilians, he must...
Wolf Warrior 2
The story follows Shanghai hitman Zhao as he prepares to retire. He receives two kill contracts, both to take place at the same time and the same...
The Longest Shot