Set in mid-70's, 12-year old Dvir Avni navigates between the equality values of his home-born Kibbutz and the relationship with his undermined...
Sweet Mud
Meow is a young woman roaming the streets and nightclubs of Tel Aviv. She lives in empty apartments and surfs the internet chat rooms. She decides to...
Frozen Days
Hila is a single mother of a 7-year-old girl named Naomi. Hila discovers that Shaul, her daughter's father, has returned to Israel with his family...
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict manifests in its most complicated form over one night, and the encounter between two Israeli soldiers and the two...
Dark Night
A beautiful seamstress moves to a neighborhood of Holocaust survivors in 1956. Rumors about her past (as a Capo) shake up the neighborhood, and...
Ron, at 22, still lives with his parents. He barely knows the daylight hours and his nights are divided between his job as editor of wedding videos,...
Operation YY