A chronicle of the life of Spanish playwright and poet Lope de Vega, who dominated Spain's early Golden Age of Theater in the 16th century. Lope...
Lope: The Outlaw
A Documentary seeks the encounter between people, the collective memory of the city of Madrid.
Map of Memories of Madrid
Private detectives Inés, Eva, and Carmen often invade others' privacy but are clueless about confronting their own secrets. While on the job,...
In 1596, a Spanish girl, Isabel, is kidnapped by the English during the Capture of Cádiz and sent to England, where, already an adult woman,...
La española inglesa
Shacky Carmine
A fusion of film and theatre based on the play of the same title by Micomicon. The film shows the play and its creative process. After her mother's...
Where the Forest Thickens
The title refers to those strange coincidences that happen to us sometimes and that seem inevitable, like a product of destiny. Inspired by the...