"The 1984 Los Angeles Comedy Competition with Host Jay Leno," the first stand up comedy special featuring Jay Leno with 25 minutes of...
The 1984 Los Angeles Comedy Competition With Host Jay Leno
Heiress Joanna Stayton hires carpenter Dean Proffitt to build a closet on her yacht—and refuses to pay him for the project when it's done. But...
The 1993 WWF Survivor Series took place on Thanksgiving Eve, November 24, 1993 at the Boston Garden in Boston, Massachusetts. The event featured four...
WWE Survivor Series 1993
The famed baseball player and manager gets the gagged filled joke treatment.
The Billy Martin Celebrity Roast
Detective Rita Veder is assigned to a baffling serial murder case. After examining the crime scene — a corpse-filled ship found adrift at sea...
Vampire in Brooklyn