A high school girl named Dafychi bumped into a successful businessman named Mario. After that incident, Mario grew closer into Dafychi. Little did...
Angel and Clarissa move to a new place with their mother Ratih after their parents` divorce. Wanting her daughters to adapt to their new friends and...
Throughout his life, Raka has always been single. His love was rejected 22 times. His 23rd target is Amelia. Learning from the experience of previous...
Gue Bukan Pocong
Jupri inherited his brother-in-law's horse carriage that he can use for work. Unfortunately, it's hardly profitable as no customers are using his...
Hantu Tanah Kusir
A student grieving the loss of her parents joins an extracurricular club and becomes entangled in a romance with a classmate who has secrets.
R: King, Queen & Secrets
Peter, his wife Jenny, their daughter Lisa, and her lover Michael are preparing for a long weekend. They plan to camp in a remote and deserted area...