The events revolve around a young man named Ali Al-Marakby (Ahmed Salah Al-Saadani) who discovers his grandfather’s will, which dates back to...
Triple Burglary
Karam The King
A seemingly traditional journey of a young sheikh in a governmental mosque who moves from leading prayers to becoming a TV celebrity issuing "fatwas"...
Two magician brothers, Taha and Rashad El-Shenawy, prepare to pull off a magic trick to free their wrongfully imprisoned father.
Monkey Talks
Desperate to support his son, a single father uses his talent with makeup to dress up as a woman to try out for a part in a commercial.
Savage Raghda
Yehia is preparing for his wedding when his psychologically disturbed and obsessed ex-girlfriend reappears in his life and starts to cause trouble.
A Useless Day
وبعد الطوفان
A man from Upper Egypt (Mohamed Ramadan) leaves his hometown and goes to Cairo in search for a living. He manages to get a job at a hotel, where he...
Wahed Sa'idy
Omar is trying to reclaim the inheritance of his father from his uncle. He uses his colleague Rauof, who turns out to be a crook and then flees to...