Three intersex individuals overcame shame, secrecy and unauthorized surgery throughout their childhoods to enjoy successful adulthoods, choosing to...
Every Body
An adult animated comedy about Bull, an average, all-around good dog who discovers he’s going to be neutered in the morning! As the gravity of...
A short, poetic reflection on seven iconic, formerly queer spaces in Los Angeles that are no longer what they once were.
Out of the Corner of Our Eye
Adrian is a straight-passing trans guy who pierces his ear to impress his crush. When his earring elicits homophobic slurs from a passing car, he...
A California barrio is on the brink of eradication after most of the community leaves behind their bodies and the pain of carbon-based life by...
Do Digital Curanderas Use Eggs in Their Limpias?
Unfolding over the course of Valentine’s Day in New Jersey, a young intersex sex worker must run from the mob after a drug deal goes sideways,...
An intersex runaway searches for love and a way out of his working class neighborhood in New Jersey.
River Gallo stars as a non-binary pool cleaner who attracts the attention of a former high school athlete.
Pool Boy