The film chronicles the exploits of the title character, Charlie, played by Raymond J. Barry (Training Day) a career criminal intent on scoring one...
Charlie Valentine
All her life, Aurora has been taught by her mother that the superhuman abilities they possess, the abilities that make them unique, also make them...
Gray Matter
A comical yet thrilling look inside the life of crime. Hicks and Cash, two package runners for the mob have to wait out the storm while opposing...
Fathoms Deep
Feeling confined by their small town and overbearing parents, Annie and Jules hatch a scheme of running away. The only issue is, they need the money...
Teenage Cocktail
A rogue soldier turned outlaw is thrust into a relentless fight with a corrupt sheriff, his obedient deputies, and a dangerous drug cartel in order...
Close Range
Five college film students enter a haunted forest and shoot a documentary about the half-human, half-pig creatures known as the Pig People.
The Pig People
Two warring groups of criminals meet to exchange hostages, each side unaware that the other harbors a deadly secret in this proof-of-concept short...
When a mission in South America goes wrong a mercenary is left for dead, but he is nursed back to health and reborn with a new outlook on life. But...
The Mercenary
A struggling cam girl who dreams of making it big in Hollywood catches the eye of a fan who's obsession may cost her everything.
Thirst Trap