The film tells the story of the Michelucci family, from the nineteen-seventies to the present day: the central character is the stunningly beautiful...
The First Beautiful Thing
In Roberta Torre's "true story of Romeo and Julet", Toni Giulietto is a vulnerable street singer and Little Tony-impersonator (who is himself an...
Sud Side Stori
La piccola fiammiferaia
Quel maledetto film su Virzì
Two mental patients with opposite personalities ditch their Tuscan hospital and embark on an unpredictable exploration of the real world.
Like Crazy
Both from the same neighborhood of Livorno, filmmaker Paolo Virzì interviews singer-songwriter Roberto 'Bobo' Rondelli about his art.
L'uomo che aveva picchiato la testa
Il pugno di Gesù
Sara and Samuele are two simple guys who take care of a community of elderly people. One day Samuele discovers that one of these has bequeathed him...
Andata e ritorno
I delitti del BarLume - La battaglia navale