Originally produced for television, this short film as an off-the-wall road movie starring the Beatles and a couple dozen friends on a psychedelic...
Magical Mystery Tour
The Bonzo Dog Band freak out at the farm and strange sounds abound.
The Adventures of the Son of Exploding Sausage
The Alberts (Bruce Lacey, Tony Gray and his brother Dougie Gray) attempt to take off. There are two edits of this film, both with their own distinct...
The Flying Alberts (Brucey Lacey edit)
Documentary about the life of the Bonzo Dog Band singer.
Vivian Stanshall: The Canyons of his Mind
This concert marks the 40th anniversary of the release of My Brother Makes The Noises For the Talkies, the first record by The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah...
The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band: 40th Anniversary Celebration
The Alberts (Bruce Lacey, Tony Gray and his brother Dougie Gray) attempt to take off. There are two edits to this film, both with their distinct...
The Flying Alberts