Mara Ordaz, a former film star who lives in an isolated mansion with her husband, her doctor and her money manager, decides to sell the house and...
Yesterday's Guys Used No Arsenic
In the late nineteenth century, the mule driver Juan Moreira is a good gaucho and worker who, like many others, is subjected to abuse and humiliation...
Juan Moreira
Economic difficulties separating a young couple who, after the attempt to survive, decide to meet again.
Del brazo y por la calle
Ricardo is an executive who has great success with women and behaves almost like a play-boy. His wife, Carmen, an attractive housewife without...
Las pirañas
A girl and her fantasy universe in the brick ovens.
El fantástico mundo de la María Montiel
The city is the formidable setting for this spectacular police story. A challenge for the men of Mission Commando. A police officer to hold your...
Misión comando
The political career of Juan Manuel de Rosas, twice Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires (1829-1832 and 1835-1852), who also ruled the Argentine...
Juan Manuel de Rosas
The romance between a young man from a wealthy family and the dancer from a place of fun.
Yesterday's Boys Didn't Use Hair Fixers
Buenos Aires, mid-1980s. Ledesma (Darío Grandinetti) is the driver and personal guard of "El Coronel" (Rodolfo Bebán), a mafioso with...
Seguridad personal
La Invitación
Different stories that take place in a hotel for a temporary shelter for couples.
Hotel alojamiento
Proceso a la infamia
The life, customs and death of an authoritarian man.
Los orilleros
Matrimonio a la argentina