Jesse Tyler, a martial arts enthusiast who lives in Los Angeles, California, and enjoys success in local karate competitions, faces turmoil in his...
Drifter TKD
This high-powered action flick follows kickboxing champion Johnny Rider, who quits the ring after accidentally killing an opponent but is forced to...
Raw Target
Three experts in different styles of combat must join forces when they're hired to go to the jungles of Asia and find and retrieve a priceless...
Triple Impact
In this action packed, international comedy thriller, three cops and a female reporter are in hot pursuit of a murderer whose quest is to acquire the...
Kung Fu Brother
When a powerful nuclear weapon mysteriously disappears, putting in risk all Los Angeles' population, only a SWAT team is prepared to fight against...
SWAT: Warhead One
Martial artist Ron Hall stars in this dark vampire thriller reminiscent of BLADE. Ambitious cop Derek (Hall) is dogged by a phobia that is...
Vampire Assassin
This low budget action film, originally titled "The Return of Dolemite", follows Rudy Ray Moore as Dolemite, who returns from Africa with superpowers...
The Dolemite Explosion
The President of the United States, Jonathan Caine, prepares to sign a treaty banning chemical weapons. This signature, hoped for many years, is...
Power Elite
After thief Alex Cardo gets caught while stealing an ancient katana in East Asia, he soon finds himself imprisoned and beaten up by the crowd there....
Bloodsport II
Somewhere in New Jersey, a group of masked rollerblading children "save the universe" by training to fight the evil Cobra Khan through a series of...
Pocket Ninjas
A young boy is taught to use his imagination by his grandfather who casts him in a great adventure back in time. Using a magic coin, he enters the...
Sinbad: The Battle of the Dark Knights